My Story

IT ALL STARTEDLady holding her neck in pain while exercising on the beach


While the whole world was in the midst of a global pandemic, down under in sunny Perth, Western Australia, a lady in her forties was confined to the four walls of her home for nearly six months.

She was later diagnosed with Cervical Spondylitis.This effected her quality of life and was advised to undergo an 'Artificial Disc Replacement' on her neck. 

In these moments of darkness and negativity she felt she was surrounded with so much clutter that she accumulated over the last two decades. 

One day she decided to de-clutter the living area to improve the mood and serenity, hoping this would help her with her recovery. She shopped around for modern wall shelves at first locally and then nationally but could not find one that she liked. She decided to design her own and sought a few manufactures/suppliers from Asia.

Two months later

A few prototypes was received from her suppliers.

She chose the one that impressed her and installed it on the wall of her living room. The wall shelf displays essential oils, crystals, a few memorabilia and a couple of succulents.

It was during this phase of her life that SpaceWyse was established. 

SpaceWyse SolutionsThe wall shelf along with a couple of new furniture items truly gave the living area a new look and feel. Over the weeks and months that followed her mental health gradually improved.

Thank you for stopping by and reading my story.

This is Luana from sunny Perth. I am now well and truly out of the woods a year later and I want to give back to the very community that helped me during the darkest phase of my life.

I am working with a couple of trusted suppliers in India to manufacture larger quantities for a wider audience. I am hoping my designs will bring a change in the lives of those who purchase them. 

I am working on supporting the communities in the remote areas in Asia and to give back to organisations that support and treat Degenerative Joint disease, also known as OsteoArthritis (OA).

